Logo set: 1
My Reflection: Logo-1 picture: A
This logo I did it with a transparent file. What I first thought is to use my last name to do the logos. The color of the letters I used it to attract attention to the whole logo not only the brightest thing in the image. The palm I used it by coloring it in black and its opacity going lower. That the reason I Vicente Lopez used all these colors was to make the picture look attractive. The logo I did it because I like pets.
Logo set: 2
My Reflection: Logo-2: Picture A
The reason I did this logo was because I like going to camps and some camps sometimes are only for girls, or boys, or both. So I used the flame to make like a symbolism that it is a camp where there are fires. The two signs on the side you could imagine what I put them there two mean that it is a boy, or girl camp. The name “CAMP FIRES” is because there is no camp that will say something like that.
Logo set: 3
My Reflection: Logo-3: Picture A
This is the logo I dedicate to my dad because he likes having tire shops he like selling rhymes. I did the logo to try out how it will go with me because like I just stated the logo means a lot to me and I really like the ending of this logo. The color inspired me because they will attract a lot of attention like on a mechanic working on some tires. Also the over lapping of the words look sicker.
Logo set: 4
I did this logo because I’m thinking in starting a construction company when I grow up. So the colors I used this time are really cool and I like them because they are colors that you'll see in a construction sight because of dirt and trees. I didn’t notice how well the colors matched until the end of the logo. And I chosed it because if you can see it’s like the best one and there’s something in that image that makes it look cool.